

Moving overseas during a pandemic is not ideal, but that’s what we did in the summer of 2020, when we moved back to the U.S. from Rome to take up jobs in the Midwest. There’s a lot to see and do here, but COVID and winter limited our explorations. New recipes and new hobbies got us through both, though, as did preliminary planning for a new garden (finally documented here). It seemed a good time to return to this blog, in appreciation of the many interesting and beautiful things that make up daily life. I started the blog a number of years ago to document the creation of a different garden, so it has now come full circle, which seems fitting.

From September 2015-June 2020 (Italy):

While I no longer have a garden here in Rome, there is a magnificent magnolia tree just outside the window of our home office–almost close enough to touch. At the moment, the seed pods are bursting with bright orange-red fruits and I know come spring, the tree will be a sight to behold. There will be other beautiful sights to see here–and many delicious meals to taste and make, and an entire city and country and continent to learn. So while this is a new phase of life, I am certain there will be many experiences to share along the way.

From 2012-August 2015 (USA):

In my life away from the office, I have a small townhouse flower garden that delights me daily, a kitchen that sings to me when I allow myself to stop and hear it, and walls I have painted in colors that welcome me home. I also have a husband, four children, and two dogs. A busy work life and the demands of an active family leave little time for other pleasures, but I have found I cannot live on a diet of grey and beige, with salt and pepper as the only seasonings. And so, when I can, I tend to my garden so the flowers can burst forth, I cook meals that become more than the sum of their parts, and I absorb the colors that surround me in my home. And when I cannot, the garden gets shaggy (along with the dogs), the meals become uninspired, the house is ignored, and I am reminded that life gets in the way. But one new flower, one special dish, and one room filled with family and friends can make all the difference. Those are the small pleasures that I seek, and this is where I will share some of them, in case they may bring you joy, too.

© 2012-2023 Perennial Pastimes. All Rights Reserved.

8 Responses to “About”

  1. patinaandcompany September 3, 2012 at 11:10 pm #

    Wow, I really sympathize with your craving for beauty in your busy life. That is how I started in my life of garden addiction and obsessive quest to renovate and make over everything. Lovely blog.


  2. foods for the soul November 25, 2012 at 4:03 pm #

    You and your blog are very inspiring, so I nominated you for an award!

    What I’m Thankful For


    • perennialpastimes February 8, 2013 at 7:51 am #

      A very belated thanks–have been trying to fulfill the terms of the award–will get there soon!


      • foods for the soul February 8, 2013 at 12:33 pm #

        You’re welcome; you deserve it! It took me ages to get to writing my post too… It was hard thinking of that many interesting facts about myself! ;] I’m looking forward to seeing who you nominate!


  3. lesleykingsley February 7, 2013 at 10:21 pm #

    I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award:) Keep on blogging!


  4. gavmomof2 May 21, 2013 at 9:08 am #

    Good Morning!
    I nominated you for a sunshine award as your blog brightens my day 🙂
    See more here:
    Have a BEAUTIFUL DAY !!! ~maria


  5. The Frustrated Gardener April 4, 2014 at 10:21 am #

    What a lovely philosophy you have. I am so pleased to have stumbled upon your blog and look forward to following you. Dan


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